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Various antique prints

Prints of: Animals: Horses
Antique engravings and prints on the theme Animals: Horses. All prints are original from the time indicated.
To list of subjects
Title and makerDateMeasurePrice
thmbnail of Boek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, paardBoek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, paard
by nn
1800ca13,5 X 19 cm52 euro
thmbnail of EenhoevigenEenhoevigen
by Winkler Prins (R. Friese)
190722 X 14 cm11 euro
thmbnail of Full CryFull Cry
by naar Henry Woollett
1885ca23 X 16 cm52 euro
thmbnail of Jager te paardJager te paard
by Otto Eerelman
1880ca12 X 12 cm16 euro
thmbnail of La Foire aux IdéesLa Foire aux Idées
by Victor Adam
1850ca22 X 29 cm42 euro
thmbnail of Le BienLe Bien
by Victor Adam
1835ca28 X 22 cm42 euro
thmbnail of Le cheval de trait (het trekpaard)Le cheval de trait (het trekpaard)
by Edouard Travies
183918 X 13 cm42 euro
thmbnail of Le cheval, l´ane (paard, ezel)Le cheval, l´ane (paard, ezel)
by G.P. vanden Burggraaff
183310 X 18 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Le DébuchéLe Débuché
by Gamble, naar Carle Vernet
1830ca27 X 18 cm52 euro
thmbnail of Le laboureur au repos / de rustende landarbeiderLe laboureur au repos / de rustende landarbeider
by Ch. Tschaggeny
1845ca20 X 17 cm37 euro
thmbnail of Le Mal, Le BienLe Mal, Le Bien
by Victor Adam (mogelijk)
1835ca28 X 22 cm26 euro
thmbnail of Le Mal, Le BienLe Mal, Le Bien
by Victor Adam
1835ca28 X 22 cm37 euro
thmbnail of Le Mal, Le BienLe Mal, Le Bien
by Victor Adam
1835ca28 X 22 cm37 euro
thmbnail of PaardPaard
by F. de Bakker naar B. Picart
177817,5 X 23,5 cm37 euro
thmbnail of Paard met ruiter en jongen met hondPaard met ruiter en jongen met hond
by H.J. Backer naar C.C.A. Last
1840ca27 X 21 cm26 euro
thmbnail of PaardenPaarden
by Winkler Prins
191027 X 22 cm13 euro
thmbnail of Paarden in de stalPaarden in de stal
by W. Verschoor
1875ca22 X 15 cm26 euro
thmbnail of Regular Progressive Movements of the HorseRegular Progressive Movements of the Horse
by Funk&Wagnalls Company
191318,5 X 24,5 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Ruiter, paard en wagen, (jacht-) hondenRuiter, paard en wagen, (jacht-) honden
by V Straaten
1850ca27 X 21 cm26 euro
thmbnail of Ruiters te paardRuiters te paard
by naar Adam Frans van der Meulen (Antoine Francois Vandermeulen)
1840ca29 X 22 cm42 euro
thmbnail of The deathThe death
by naar Henry Woollett
1885ca23 X 15 cm52 euro
thmbnail of The MeetThe Meet
by naar Henry Woollett
1885ca23 X 16 cm52 euro
thmbnail of The saddler and harness maker (de zadelmaker)The saddler and harness maker (de zadelmaker)
by nn
1875ca18 X 25 cm26 euro
thmbnail of Trekpaard en landarbeidersTrekpaard en landarbeiders
by Leopold Haeck
1900ca24 X 16 cm26 euro
thmbnail of Twee paardenTwee paarden
by J. Susenbeth (mogelijk)
1825ca29,5 X 38,5 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Twee paardenTwee paarden
by J. Susenbeth (mogelijk)
1825ca29,5 X 38,5 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Voiture de déménagemens (trekpaarden)Voiture de déménagemens (trekpaarden)
by Victor Adam
1850ca27 X 20 cm52 euro
thmbnail of Vossenjacht der Kon. Veluwsche JachtvereenigingVossenjacht der Kon. Veluwsche Jachtvereeniging
by Otto Eerelman
1880ca25 X 19 cm42 euro
thmbnail of Étude de chevalÉtude de cheval
by Jean Baptiste Madou naar Philips Wouwerman
184225 X 20 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Fox hunting - jachtFox hunting - jacht
by Henry Thomas Alken
181736 X 24,5 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Paard en rijtuigPaard en rijtuig
by nn
1850ca34 X 29 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Paarden bij de stalPaarden bij de stal
by P. Decleermaecker naar E. Verboeckhoven
1850ca24 X 19 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Representative Types of HorsesRepresentative Types of Horses
by Funk&Wagnalls Company
191318,5 X 24,5 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Sportsmen within an enclosure - jachtSportsmen within an enclosure - jacht
by Henry Thomas Alken
181736 X 25 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of The farrier (hoefsmid)The farrier (hoefsmid)
by nn
1875ca18 X 25 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of TrekpaardenTrekpaarden
by C.C.A. Last
1840ca27 X 21 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Twee paardenTwee paarden
by J. Susenbeth (mogelijk)
1825ca29,5 X 38,5 cmsold
information about print on

Subjects of prints in Animals

Click on a subject for the available prints
Cats, Feline
Sud-Westliches Deutschland und die Schweiz

Kuyper maps
Gemeente Gouda

O.D. Gordon, Collonel van het Genootschap Pro Patria et Libertate, te Utrecht

Townplans and views
Utrecht: La Ville d´Utrecht

Books and atlasses
FACSIMILE: Gemeente-Atlas van de provincie Friesland 1861

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