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Beschreibung des Occidentischen Friesslandts (Overijssel in Groningen)

Antique map Beschreibung des Occidentischen Friesslandts (Overijssel in Groningen)
map Beschreibung des Occidentischen Friesslandts by Henric Petri, Sebastian Munster

Details of map Beschreibung des Occidentischen Friesslandts

TitleBeschreibung des Occidentischen Friesslandts
makerHenric Petri, Sebastian Munster
Published in1600ca
Imagesize16.5 X 19 centimeters
Description The Cosmographia was the earliest German scientific and at the same time generally comprehensible description of the world. The book summarized the bases of history, geography, astronomy, natural sciences and regional studies after the contemporary standard of knowledge.

This is an interesting and decorative leaf out of the Cosmographia by S. Münster of about 1600. On it there are two beautiful coloured woodcuts which shows a map of the northern Netherlands (Groningen, Friesland, Drenthe and Overijssel) and a view of the Dutch city Groningen. Besides and at the backside there is German text which is decorated with another coloured woodcut.

Leafsize : 34.5 x 22.5 cm
Graphics app.: 1 x 19.0 x 16.5 cm / 1 x 12.0 x 15.0 cm

- strong print and nice colours
- a little bit stained and brownish
- few worm holes at the white edge
- besides in good condition

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All maps on this site are guaranteed original and published in the mentioned period.
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Looking for an antique map, historical print or plan? Feel welcome and browse our mapsite! We have maps, made by Henric Petri, Sebastian Munster . more map of Groningen like Beschreibung des Occidentischen FriesslandtsPlease contact us if you don't find where you are looking for! We ship worldwide.