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Various antique prints

Prints of: Transport
Antique engravings and prints on the theme Transport. All prints are original from the time indicated.
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Title and makerDateMeasurePrice
thmbnail of Aanleg van spoorwegenAanleg van spoorwegen
by nn
187030 X 25 cm32 euro
thmbnail of AmericaineAmericaine
by nn
1850ca23 X 10 cm11 euro
thmbnail of AutomobielenAutomobielen
by Winkler Prins
190527 X 22 cm21 euro
thmbnail of Bergspoorwegen IBergspoorwegen I
by Winkler Prins
190614 X 22.5 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Bergspoorwegen IIBergspoorwegen II
by Winkler Prins
190614 X 22.5 cm9 euro
thmbnail of BinnenvaartBinnenvaart
by nn
1870ca30 X 26 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Binnenvaart voorheen en thansBinnenvaart voorheen en thans
by nn
1880ca19 X 29 cm26 euro
thmbnail of Boot op de walBoot op de wal
by nn
188338 X 29 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Brandspuiten IBrandspuiten I
by Winkler Prins
190614 X 22.5 cm11 euro
thmbnail of Brandspuiten IIBrandspuiten II
by Winkler Prins
190614 X 22.5 cm11 euro
thmbnail of Bruggen 1Bruggen 1
by Winkler Prins
190629 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Bruggen IIBruggen II
by Winkler Prins
190614 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Buggy, no 690Buggy, no 690
by nn
1890ca16 X 8 cm16 euro
thmbnail of CabrioletCabriolet
by nn
1850ca23 X 10 cm11 euro
thmbnail of Charrette cab no. 452Charrette cab no. 452
by nn
1890ca25 X 11 cm16 euro
thmbnail of Charrette no 444Charrette no 444
by nn
1890ca26 X 18 cm16 euro
thmbnail of Charrette no. 508Charrette no. 508
by nn
1890ca25 X 12 cm21 euro
thmbnail of Classis Quae in Patriam Comitem RevexitClassis Quae in Patriam Comitem Revexit
by Salomon Savery, naar Frans Jansz Post
1645ca51,5 X 39 cm725 euro
thmbnail of Drijvend DroogdokDrijvend Droogdok
by Winkler Prins
190722 X 28 cm16 euro
thmbnail of Drijvende StoombrandspuitDrijvende Stoombrandspuit
by Winkler Prins
190614 X 22.5 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Drink Cadbury´s CocoaDrink Cadbury´s Cocoa
by nn (J.B.B.)
188726 X 32 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Electrische SpoorwegenElectrische Spoorwegen
by Winkler Prins
190714 X 22 cm11 euro
thmbnail of Embarcation à la côteEmbarcation à la côte
by Charles Mozin
1850ca45 X 35 cm83 euro
thmbnail of Fishing upon the Blythe-Sand, Tide Setting InFishing upon the Blythe-Sand, Tide Setting In
by Alfred Brunet-Debaines, naar William Turner
1880ca25 X 20 cm130 euro
thmbnail of GalawagenGalawagen
by nn
1850ca19,5 X 10 cm11 euro
thmbnail of Galawagen des Grafen de Morny in St. PetersburgGalawagen des Grafen de Morny in St. Petersburg
by nn
1850ca23 X 16,5 cm16 euro
thmbnail of Government BarkGovernment Bark
by John Augustus Atkinson
180425 X 18 cm130 euro
thmbnail of Gustav Eiffel, Erbauer des Eiffelthurmes in Paris; Strassenbahn-elevator in Jersey-cityGustav Eiffel, Erbauer des Eiffelthurmes in Paris; Strassenbahn-elevator in Jersey-city
by nn
1900ca25 X 35 cm16 euro
thmbnail of Het HoutHet Hout
by nn
1860ca39 X 27 cm78 euro
thmbnail of Interior of the A.B. Signal-box; Garraway´s coffee-houseInterior of the A.B. Signal-box; Garraway´s coffee-house
by nn
186625 X 37 cm26 euro
thmbnail of Intonuere POLI, et crebris micat ignibus AETHERIntonuere POLI, et crebris micat ignibus AETHER
by Elisha Kirkal, naar Thomas Baston
1720ca32 X 22 cm68 euro
thmbnail of La Gare centraleLa Gare centrale
by nn
1900ca20 X 33 cm42 euro
thmbnail of Le DépartLe Départ
by Barthélemy Lauvergne
1840ca37 X 30 cm78 euro
thmbnail of Le savoisienLe savoisien
by Henry Emy, Bernard
1830ca12,5 X 18 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Locomotieven IILocomotieven II
by Winkler Prins
190927 X 22 cm13 euro
thmbnail of Locomotieven IIILocomotieven III
by Winkler Prins
190922 X 14 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Locomotieven VLocomotieven V
by Winkler Prins
190922 X 28 cm13 euro
thmbnail of Luchtvaart ILuchtvaart I
by Winkler Prins
190914 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Luchtvaart IILuchtvaart II
by Winkler Prins
190914 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Luchtvaart IIILuchtvaart III
by Winkler Prins
190927 X 22 cm13 euro
thmbnail of MotorbootenMotorbooten
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm16 euro
thmbnail of OnderzeebootOnderzeeboot
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Oorlogsschepen IIOorlogsschepen II
by Winkler Prins, W Fred Mitchell
190922 X 14 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Oorlogsschepen IIIOorlogsschepen III
by Winkler Prins
190927 X 22 cm13 euro
thmbnail of Oorlogsschepen IVOorlogsschepen IV
by Winkler Prins
191027 X 22 cm13 euro
thmbnail of Oorlogsschepen VOorlogsschepen V
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Oorlogsschepen VIOorlogsschepen VI
by Winkler Prins
191022 X 14 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Oorlogsschepen-IOorlogsschepen-I
by Winkler Prins, W Fred Mitchell
190922 X 14 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Parc a charbon de South-AmboyParc a charbon de South-Amboy
by nn
1900ca39 X 28 cm21 euro
thmbnail of Paris under the republicParis under the republic
by nn
187224 X 16 cm21 euro
thmbnail of Railroad Equipment IRailroad Equipment I
by Funk&Wagnalls Company
191318,5 X 24,5 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Railroad Equipment IIRailroad Equipment II
by Funk&Wagnalls Company
191318,5 X 24,5 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Rijwielen IRijwielen I
by Winkler Prins
191127 X 22 cm26 euro
thmbnail of Rijwielen IIRijwielen II
by Winkler Prins
191114 X 22 cm11 euro
thmbnail of Scheepvaart voorheen en thansScheepvaart voorheen en thans
by nn
1880ca20 X 29 cm26 euro
thmbnail of Schepen ISchepen I
by Winkler Prins
191022 X 14 cm13 euro
thmbnail of Schepen IISchepen II
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Schepen IIISchepen III
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Schepen IVSchepen IV
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm11 euro
thmbnail of Schepen VSchepen V
by Winkler Prins
191022 X 14 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Slag bij AugustaSlag bij Augusta
by nn
1685ca19 X 14 cm52 euro
thmbnail of Souvenir de Heyst, d´après l´aquarelle de M. Maurice HagemansSouvenir de Heyst, d´après l´aquarelle de M. Maurice Hagemans
by Heyst, naar Maurice Hagemans
1890ca30 X 20 cm16 euro
thmbnail of SpoorbruggenSpoorbruggen
by nn
187030 X 25 cm32 euro
thmbnail of StoomlocomotiefStoomlocomotief
by G. Brinckmann naar Kirchhof
1860ca15 X 24 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Tender du Chemin de Fer de Lyon, construit par M. FarcotTender du Chemin de Fer de Lyon, construit par M. Farcot
by F.A.
1870ca38 X 27 cm47 euro
thmbnail of Tender type à six roues pour machines locomotivesTender type à six roues pour machines locomotives
by A. Cheneveau
1870ca38 X 28 cm42 euro
thmbnail of Tenders. Dessin d´un tender du chemin de fer de l´est. Tenders. Dessin d´un tender du chemin de fer de l´est.
by A. Cheneveau
1870ca40 X 30 cm47 euro
thmbnail of Tertium Praelium ad ParibamTertium Praelium ad Paribam
by Salomon Savery, naar Frans Jansz Post
1645ca51 X 36,5 cm414 euro
thmbnail of The canal engineerThe canal engineer
by nn
1850ca18 X 25 cm13 euro
thmbnail of The new Cunard steam-ship ServiaThe new Cunard steam-ship Servia
by nn
1881ca39 X 29 cm311 euro
thmbnail of The Skating competition between English and Dutch professionals; Photographic notes from MoroccoThe Skating competition between English and Dutch professionals; Photographic notes from Morocco
by nn
188724 X 35 cm21 euro
thmbnail of The tram bridge over the TaweThe tram bridge over the Tawe
by I.G. Wood
181726 X 18 cm26 euro
thmbnail of Toeslede, Traineau en usage à AmsterdamToeslede, Traineau en usage à Amsterdam
by Hendrik Greeven
182821 X 18,5 cm26 euro
thmbnail of TorpedobootenTorpedobooten
by Winkler Prins
191114 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Type des wagons postes, employes sur les lignes des chemins de fer francaisType des wagons postes, employes sur les lignes des chemins de fer francais
by A. Cheneveau
1870ca39 X 29 cm57 euro
thmbnail of Typical British War-ShipsTypical British War-Ships
by Funk&Wagnalls Company
191318,5 X 24,5 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Typical War-Ships of the United States NavyTypical War-Ships of the United States Navy
by Funk&Wagnalls Company
191318,5 X 24,5 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Umiak ou bateau de femme, Kaiak ou canot à un seul hommeUmiak ou bateau de femme, Kaiak ou canot à un seul homme
by Y. le Gouat, B.L. Prevost
177015,5 X 21 cm68 euro
thmbnail of Umiak, of vrouwenbootUmiak, of vrouwenboot
by J. Swertner
176616,5 X 15 cm68 euro
thmbnail of Vaatuig uit de elfde eeuwVaatuig uit de elfde eeuw
by W.J. Hofdijk
1860ca22 X 14 cm21 euro
thmbnail of Vice-Admiral Tegethoff; Exterior of the A.B. signal-boxVice-Admiral Tegethoff; Exterior of the A.B. signal-box
by nn
186625 X 37 cm26 euro
thmbnail of VisschersvaartuigenVisschersvaartuigen
by Winkler Prins
191127 X 22 cm13 euro
thmbnail of Voiture laitière du jardin d´acclimatation no.49Voiture laitière du jardin d´acclimatation no.49
by nn
1890ca18 X 7 cm16 euro
thmbnail of Vue Generale du parc a charbon de South-Amboy (N.J.) Pensylvania RailroadVue Generale du parc a charbon de South-Amboy (N.J.) Pensylvania Railroad
by nn
1900ca39 X 28 cm21 euro
thmbnail of Wagon écurie pour le transport des chevaux sur les chemins de ferWagon écurie pour le transport des chevaux sur les chemins de fer
by A. Cheneveau
1870ca38 X 28 cm42 euro
thmbnail of Wagon de déménagementsWagon de déménagements
by L. Lagard
190955 X 35 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Wagons. Dessin d´un wagon couvert a volets pour bagages du chemin de fer de l�ouestWagons. Dessin d´un wagon couvert a volets pour bagages du chemin de fer de l�ouest
by A. Cheneveau
1870c44 X 29 cm47 euro
thmbnail of Wagons. Dessin d´un wagon a voyageurs (première classe)Wagons. Dessin d´un wagon a voyageurs (première classe)
by A. Cheneveau
1870ca42 X 29 cm47 euro
thmbnail of Wapens en booten der AustraliersWapens en booten der Australiers
by Winkler Prins
190514 X 22 cm13 euro
thmbnail of YachtenYachten
by Winkler Prins
191222 X 14 cm13 euro
thmbnail of AviationAviation
by Funk&Wagnalls Company
191318,5 X 24,5 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Dards pour la pècheDards pour la pèche
by B.L. Prevost
177015 X 21 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Een Groenlander in den kajakEen Groenlander in den kajak
by J. Swertner
176616,5 X 15 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Een Groenlander, komende uit ZeeEen Groenlander, komende uit Zee
by J. Swertner
176616,5 X 15 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Gezicht op Rotterdam vanaf de Maas (rechterkant)Gezicht op Rotterdam vanaf de Maas (rechterkant)
by Romeyn de Hooghe
169425,5 X 21,5 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Invitatie ConcertInvitatie Concert
by nn
1825ca21 X 15 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Landau no 301 (3e série)Landau no 301 (3e série)
by nn
189627 X 19 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Landaulet 3/4 avance fixe no. 439Landaulet 3/4 avance fixe no. 439
by nn
1890ca23 X 13 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Locomotieven ILocomotieven I
by Winkler Prins
190914 X 22 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Locomotieven IVLocomotieven IV
by Winkler Prins
190922 X 14 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of MarineMarine
by Winkler Prins
190927 X 22 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Motor-Vehicles IMotor-Vehicles I
by Funk&Wagnalls Company
191318,5 X 24,5 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Motor-Vehicles IIMotor-Vehicles II
by Funk&Wagnalls Company
191318,5 X 24,5 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Mylord no. 443Mylord no. 443
by nn
1890ca22 X 11 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of nnnn
by Coupé - Mylord no.477
1890ca22 X 14 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Paard in weilandPaard in weiland
by J.J. Mesker naar H. van Ingen
187422 X 18 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Piraten Schiff - Vaisseau de piratesPiraten Schiff - Vaisseau de pirates
by H. Kohler naar Niels Simonsen
1880ca42 X 30 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Pourtraict du naufrage de la nauire Admirale de S.Jaques, es escuils de IndiaPourtraict du naufrage de la nauire Admirale de S.Jaques, es escuils de India
by Theodor de Bry
1610ca19 X 29 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Rain, steam and speed Rain, steam and speed
by R.Brandard, naar J.M.W. Turner
1860ca26 X 21 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Rigs of Vessels and The Parts of a Full-Rigged ShipRigs of Vessels and The Parts of a Full-Rigged Ship
by Funk&Wagnalls Company
191318,5 X 24,5 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Rijtuigen no. 148 VoituresRijtuigen no. 148 Voitures
by nn
1890ca30 X 34 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Slag op DoggersbankSlag op Doggersbank
by Matthias de Sallieth, naar Johan Frederik Reitz
178143,5 X 29 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Storm in de Zwarte Zee op 14 November 1854Storm in de Zwarte Zee op 14 November 1854
by C.W. Mieling
1860ca27 X 20 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Tilbury - buggy no. 1126Tilbury - buggy no. 1126
by nn
1890ca24 X 13 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Tilbury no. 306 (3e série)Tilbury no. 306 (3e série)
by nn
1890ca25,5 X 15 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Tonneau no 448Tonneau no 448
by nn
1890ca22 X 12 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Twee Nederlandsche oorlogschepen overzeilen twee Spaansche galeijenTwee Nederlandsche oorlogschepen overzeilen twee Spaansche galeijen
by P.J. Schotel
185040 X 29 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Twee zeilschepen voor de kust van DoverTwee zeilschepen voor de kust van Dover
by nn
1900ca51 X 34 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Vaartuig uit de vijde eeuwVaartuig uit de vijde eeuw
by W.J. Hofdijk
1860ca22 X 14 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of ZeeslagZeeslag
by nn
1680ca13,5 X 18 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Zeilboot met sloepZeilboot met sloep
by F.H. Weissenbruch naar Louis Meijer
186317 X 20 cmsold
information about print on

Subjects of prints in Transport

Click on a subject for the available prints
Ships and boats
Raiways, Trains
Japan en Korea

Kuyper maps
Gemeente Wittem

Baron van Lijnden van Sandenburg, Ridder der Orde van den Nederlandschen Leeuw...

Townplans and views
Leiden: Lugdunum Batavorum, Leyden in Hollant

Books and atlasses
FACSIMILE: Gemeente-Atlas van de provincie Friesland 1861

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