| Title and maker | Date | Measure | Price |
| Aanleg van spoorwegen by nn | 1870 | 30 X 25 cm | 32 euro |
| Americaine by nn | 1850ca | 23 X 10 cm | 11 euro |
| Automobielen by Winkler Prins | 1905 | 27 X 22 cm | 21 euro |
| Bergspoorwegen I by Winkler Prins | 1906 | 14 X 22.5 cm | 9 euro |
| Bergspoorwegen II by Winkler Prins | 1906 | 14 X 22.5 cm | 9 euro |
| Binnenvaart by nn | 1870ca | 30 X 26 cm | 32 euro |
| Binnenvaart voorheen en thans by nn | 1880ca | 19 X 29 cm | 26 euro |
| Boot op de wal by nn | 1883 | 38 X 29 cm | 32 euro |
| Brandspuiten I by Winkler Prins | 1906 | 14 X 22.5 cm | 11 euro |
| Brandspuiten II by Winkler Prins | 1906 | 14 X 22.5 cm | 11 euro |
| Bruggen 1 by Winkler Prins | 1906 | 29 X 22 cm | 9 euro |
| Bruggen II by Winkler Prins | 1906 | 14 X 22 cm | 9 euro |
| Buggy, no 690 by nn | 1890ca | 16 X 8 cm | 16 euro |
| Cabriolet by nn | 1850ca | 23 X 10 cm | 11 euro |
| Charrette cab no. 452 by nn | 1890ca | 25 X 11 cm | 16 euro |
| Charrette no 444 by nn | 1890ca | 26 X 18 cm | 16 euro |
| Charrette no. 508 by nn | 1890ca | 25 X 12 cm | 21 euro |
| Classis Quae in Patriam Comitem Revexit by Salomon Savery, naar Frans Jansz Post | 1645ca | 51,5 X 39 cm | 725 euro |
| Drijvend Droogdok by Winkler Prins | 1907 | 22 X 28 cm | 16 euro |
| Drijvende Stoombrandspuit by Winkler Prins | 1906 | 14 X 22.5 cm | 9 euro |
| Drink Cadbury´s Cocoa by nn (J.B.B.) | 1887 | 26 X 32 cm | 32 euro |
| Electrische Spoorwegen by Winkler Prins | 1907 | 14 X 22 cm | 11 euro |
| Embarcation à la côte by Charles Mozin | 1850ca | 45 X 35 cm | 83 euro |
| Fishing upon the Blythe-Sand, Tide Setting In by Alfred Brunet-Debaines, naar William Turner | 1880ca | 25 X 20 cm | 130 euro |
| Galawagen by nn | 1850ca | 19,5 X 10 cm | 11 euro |
| Galawagen des Grafen de Morny in St. Petersburg by nn | 1850ca | 23 X 16,5 cm | 16 euro |
| Government Bark by John Augustus Atkinson | 1804 | 25 X 18 cm | 130 euro |
| Gustav Eiffel, Erbauer des Eiffelthurmes in Paris; Strassenbahn-elevator in Jersey-city by nn | 1900ca | 25 X 35 cm | 16 euro |
| Het Hout by nn | 1860ca | 39 X 27 cm | 78 euro |
| Interior of the A.B. Signal-box; Garraway´s coffee-house by nn | 1866 | 25 X 37 cm | 26 euro |
| Intonuere POLI, et crebris micat ignibus AETHER by Elisha Kirkal, naar Thomas Baston | 1720ca | 32 X 22 cm | 68 euro |
| La Gare centrale by nn | 1900ca | 20 X 33 cm | 42 euro |
| Le Départ by Barthélemy Lauvergne | 1840ca | 37 X 30 cm | 78 euro |
| Le savoisien by Henry Emy, Bernard | 1830ca | 12,5 X 18 cm | 32 euro |
| Locomotieven II by Winkler Prins | 1909 | 27 X 22 cm | 13 euro |
| Locomotieven III by Winkler Prins | 1909 | 22 X 14 cm | 9 euro |
| Locomotieven V by Winkler Prins | 1909 | 22 X 28 cm | 13 euro |
| Luchtvaart I by Winkler Prins | 1909 | 14 X 22 cm | 9 euro |
| Luchtvaart II by Winkler Prins | 1909 | 14 X 22 cm | 9 euro |
| Luchtvaart III by Winkler Prins | 1909 | 27 X 22 cm | 13 euro |
| Motorbooten by Winkler Prins | 1910 | 14 X 22 cm | 16 euro |
| Onderzeeboot by Winkler Prins | 1910 | 14 X 22 cm | 9 euro |
| Oorlogsschepen II by Winkler Prins, W Fred Mitchell | 1909 | 22 X 14 cm | 9 euro |
| Oorlogsschepen III by Winkler Prins | 1909 | 27 X 22 cm | 13 euro |
| Oorlogsschepen IV by Winkler Prins | 1910 | 27 X 22 cm | 13 euro |
| Oorlogsschepen V by Winkler Prins | 1910 | 14 X 22 cm | 9 euro |
| Oorlogsschepen VI by Winkler Prins | 1910 | 22 X 14 cm | 9 euro |
| Oorlogsschepen-I by Winkler Prins, W Fred Mitchell | 1909 | 22 X 14 cm | 9 euro |
| Parc a charbon de South-Amboy by nn | 1900ca | 39 X 28 cm | 21 euro |
| Paris under the republic by nn | 1872 | 24 X 16 cm | 21 euro |
| Railroad Equipment I by Funk&Wagnalls Company | 1913 | 18,5 X 24,5 cm | 32 euro |
| Railroad Equipment II by Funk&Wagnalls Company | 1913 | 18,5 X 24,5 cm | 32 euro |
| Rijwielen I by Winkler Prins | 1911 | 27 X 22 cm | 26 euro |
| Rijwielen II by Winkler Prins | 1911 | 14 X 22 cm | 11 euro |
| Scheepvaart voorheen en thans by nn | 1880ca | 20 X 29 cm | 26 euro |
| Schepen I by Winkler Prins | 1910 | 22 X 14 cm | 13 euro |
| Schepen II by Winkler Prins | 1910 | 14 X 22 cm | 9 euro |
| Schepen III by Winkler Prins | 1910 | 14 X 22 cm | 9 euro |
| Schepen IV by Winkler Prins | 1910 | 14 X 22 cm | 11 euro |
| Schepen V by Winkler Prins | 1910 | 22 X 14 cm | 9 euro |
| Slag bij Augusta by nn | 1685ca | 19 X 14 cm | 52 euro |
| Souvenir de Heyst, d´après l´aquarelle de M. Maurice Hagemans by Heyst, naar Maurice Hagemans | 1890ca | 30 X 20 cm | 16 euro |
| Spoorbruggen by nn | 1870 | 30 X 25 cm | 32 euro |
| Stoomlocomotief by G. Brinckmann naar Kirchhof | 1860ca | 15 X 24 cm | 32 euro |
| Tender du Chemin de Fer de Lyon, construit par M. Farcot by F.A. | 1870ca | 38 X 27 cm | 47 euro |
| Tender type à six roues pour machines locomotives by A. Cheneveau | 1870ca | 38 X 28 cm | 42 euro |
| Tenders. Dessin d´un tender du chemin de fer de l´est. by A. Cheneveau | 1870ca | 40 X 30 cm | 47 euro |
| Tertium Praelium ad Paribam by Salomon Savery, naar Frans Jansz Post | 1645ca | 51 X 36,5 cm | 414 euro |
| The canal engineer by nn | 1850ca | 18 X 25 cm | 13 euro |
| The new Cunard steam-ship Servia by nn | 1881ca | 39 X 29 cm | 311 euro |
| The Skating competition between English and Dutch professionals; Photographic notes from Morocco by nn | 1887 | 24 X 35 cm | 21 euro |
| The tram bridge over the Tawe by I.G. Wood | 1817 | 26 X 18 cm | 26 euro |
| Toeslede, Traineau en usage à Amsterdam by Hendrik Greeven | 1828 | 21 X 18,5 cm | 26 euro |
| Torpedobooten by Winkler Prins | 1911 | 14 X 22 cm | 9 euro |
| Type des wagons postes, employes sur les lignes des chemins de fer francais by A. Cheneveau | 1870ca | 39 X 29 cm | 57 euro |
| Typical British War-Ships by Funk&Wagnalls Company | 1913 | 18,5 X 24,5 cm | 32 euro |
| Typical War-Ships of the United States Navy by Funk&Wagnalls Company | 1913 | 18,5 X 24,5 cm | 32 euro |
| Umiak ou bateau de femme, Kaiak ou canot à un seul homme by Y. le Gouat, B.L. Prevost | 1770 | 15,5 X 21 cm | 68 euro |
| Umiak, of vrouwenboot by J. Swertner | 1766 | 16,5 X 15 cm | 68 euro |
| Vaatuig uit de elfde eeuw by W.J. Hofdijk | 1860ca | 22 X 14 cm | 21 euro |
| Vice-Admiral Tegethoff; Exterior of the A.B. signal-box by nn | 1866 | 25 X 37 cm | 26 euro |
| Visschersvaartuigen by Winkler Prins | 1911 | 27 X 22 cm | 13 euro |
| Voiture laitière du jardin d´acclimatation no.49 by nn | 1890ca | 18 X 7 cm | 16 euro |
| Vue Generale du parc a charbon de South-Amboy (N.J.) Pensylvania Railroad by nn | 1900ca | 39 X 28 cm | 21 euro |
| Wagon écurie pour le transport des chevaux sur les chemins de fer by A. Cheneveau | 1870ca | 38 X 28 cm | 42 euro |
| Wagon de déménagements by L. Lagard | 1909 | 55 X 35 cm | 32 euro |
| Wagons. Dessin d´un wagon couvert a volets pour bagages du chemin de fer de l�ouest by A. Cheneveau | 1870c | 44 X 29 cm | 47 euro |
| Wagons. Dessin d´un wagon a voyageurs (première classe) by A. Cheneveau | 1870ca | 42 X 29 cm | 47 euro |
| Wapens en booten der Australiers by Winkler Prins | 1905 | 14 X 22 cm | 13 euro |
| Yachten by Winkler Prins | 1912 | 22 X 14 cm | 13 euro |
| Aviation by Funk&Wagnalls Company | 1913 | 18,5 X 24,5 cm | sold |
| Dards pour la pèche by B.L. Prevost | 1770 | 15 X 21 cm | sold |
| Een Groenlander in den kajak by J. Swertner | 1766 | 16,5 X 15 cm | sold |
| Een Groenlander, komende uit Zee by J. Swertner | 1766 | 16,5 X 15 cm | sold |
| Gezicht op Rotterdam vanaf de Maas (rechterkant) by Romeyn de Hooghe | 1694 | 25,5 X 21,5 cm | sold |
| Invitatie Concert by nn | 1825ca | 21 X 15 cm | sold |
| Landau no 301 (3e série) by nn | 1896 | 27 X 19 cm | sold |
| Landaulet 3/4 avance fixe no. 439 by nn | 1890ca | 23 X 13 cm | sold |
| Locomotieven I by Winkler Prins | 1909 | 14 X 22 cm | sold |
| Locomotieven IV by Winkler Prins | 1909 | 22 X 14 cm | sold |
| Marine by Winkler Prins | 1909 | 27 X 22 cm | sold |
| Motor-Vehicles I by Funk&Wagnalls Company | 1913 | 18,5 X 24,5 cm | sold |
| Motor-Vehicles II by Funk&Wagnalls Company | 1913 | 18,5 X 24,5 cm | sold |
| Mylord no. 443 by nn | 1890ca | 22 X 11 cm | sold |
| nn by Coupé - Mylord no.477 | 1890ca | 22 X 14 cm | sold |
| Paard in weiland by J.J. Mesker naar H. van Ingen | 1874 | 22 X 18 cm | sold |
| Piraten Schiff - Vaisseau de pirates by H. Kohler naar Niels Simonsen | 1880ca | 42 X 30 cm | sold |
| Pourtraict du naufrage de la nauire Admirale de S.Jaques, es escuils de India by Theodor de Bry | 1610ca | 19 X 29 cm | sold |
| Rain, steam and speed by R.Brandard, naar J.M.W. Turner | 1860ca | 26 X 21 cm | sold |
| Rigs of Vessels and The Parts of a Full-Rigged Ship by Funk&Wagnalls Company | 1913 | 18,5 X 24,5 cm | sold |
| Rijtuigen no. 148 Voitures by nn | 1890ca | 30 X 34 cm | sold |
| Slag op Doggersbank by Matthias de Sallieth, naar Johan Frederik Reitz | 1781 | 43,5 X 29 cm | sold |
| Storm in de Zwarte Zee op 14 November 1854 by C.W. Mieling | 1860ca | 27 X 20 cm | sold |
| Tilbury - buggy no. 1126 by nn | 1890ca | 24 X 13 cm | sold |
| Tilbury no. 306 (3e série) by nn | 1890ca | 25,5 X 15 cm | sold |
| Tonneau no 448 by nn | 1890ca | 22 X 12 cm | sold |
| Twee Nederlandsche oorlogschepen overzeilen twee Spaansche galeijen by P.J. Schotel | 1850 | 40 X 29 cm | sold |
| Twee zeilschepen voor de kust van Dover by nn | 1900ca | 51 X 34 cm | sold |
| Vaartuig uit de vijde eeuw by W.J. Hofdijk | 1860ca | 22 X 14 cm | sold |
| Zeeslag by nn | 1680ca | 13,5 X 18 cm | sold |
| Zeilboot met sloep by F.H. Weissenbruch naar Louis Meijer | 1863 | 17 X 20 cm | sold |