last update: Nov-06-2020
Maps of Italy on atlasandmap.com |
| Title/Maker | Year | Measures | Price | |
|  | Napels en Omstreken by Winkler Prins | 1910 | 22 X 14 cm | 11 euro | |  | Karintië, Krain, Salzburg, Stiermarken, Tirol en Vorarlberg by Winkler Prins | 1909 | 28 X 22 cm | 16 euro | |  | Rome en Omstreken by Winkler Prins | 1910 | 27 X 22 cm | 16 euro | |  | Kaart Italien eller Apenninska Halfön. by Stieler | 1868 | 26,5 X 21 cm | 21 euro | |  | Italië, Zuidelijk Gallië, Hispanië en Africa, bijzonder voor den tijd der Punische oorlogen by De Erven Thierry en Mensing | 1858 | 31,5 X 22 cm | 21 euro | |  | Gallië en Germanië voornamelijk in de 2e eeuw n. Chr. by De Erven Thierry en Mensing | 1858 | 31,5 X 22 cm | 21 euro | |  | Opper- en Middel - Italië by Winkler Prins | 1908 | 28 X 22 cm | 21 euro | |  | Oud - Italië by Winkler Prins | 1908 | 22 X 28 cm | 23 euro | |  | Mittelitalien by Richard Andree | 1896 | 49 X 38 cm | 23 euro | |  | Beneden - Italië by Winkler Prins | 1908 | 28 X 22 cm | 26 euro | |  | Ancient Africa or Libya part 1 (incl. Sardinia, Baleares) by J en C Walker | 1840 | 40 X 31 cm cm | 32 euro | |  | Italië ten tijde der Romeinse Republiek; ten tijde van den aanvang der Romeinsche Republiek 509 v.C by De Erven Thierry en Mensing | 1858 | 31,5 X 22 cm | 32 euro | |  | Het Romeinsche Rijk ten tijde van zijnen grootsten omvang by De Erven Thierry en Mensing | 1858 | 31,5 X 22 cm | 32 euro | |  | Italie Ancienne by Debuissons, A.T. Chartier | 1881 | 28 X 37 cm | 32 euro | |  | Griekenland en zijne volkplantingen; Italie omstreeks 500 by P.W.M. Trap | 1876 | 28 X 22 cm | 32 euro | |  | Oud-Italie; Latium; Campania by P.W.M. Trap | 1876 | 28 X 22 cm | 32 euro | |  | Zuid-Europa en Voor-Azie ten tijde van de Kruistochten; Koningrijk Jeruzalem by P.W.M. Trap | 1876 | 28 X 22 cm | 32 euro | |  | Zwitserland voor de Fransche omwenteling; in 1866; Italie omstreeks 1500; omstreeks 1792 by P.W.M. Trap | 1876 | 28 X 22 cm | 32 euro | |  | Het Balkan-Schiereiland by F. Bruins | 1884 | 22 X 28 cm | 37 euro | |  | Italië by H.A. Tjeenk Willink | 1860ca | 21,5 X 26 cm | 37 euro | |  | Italie Septentrionale, Divisee en ses diferens Etats by Félix Delamarche | 1833 | 40 X 26 cm cm | 42 euro | |  | Italië by A. Baedeker, Rotterdam | 1844 | 26,5 X 21 cm | 42 euro | |  | Italie Septentrionale by Migeon, Sengteller, Desbuissons | 1881 | 37 X 30 cm | 42 euro | |  | Italie Méridionale by Migeon, Sengteller, Desbuissons | 1881 | 28 X 40 cm | 42 euro | |  | Italie by P.W.M. Trap | 1872 | 23 X 28,5 cm | 42 euro | |  | Italie by F. Bruins | 1884 | 22 X 28 cm | 42 euro | |  | Royaume des Deux-Siciles Sardaigne by Félix Delamarche | 1832 | 37 X 26 cm cm | 52 euro | |  | Italië en de Illyrische Provinciën ten tijde van Napoleon I by De Erven Thierry en Mensing | 1858 | 31,5 X 22 cm | 52 euro | |  | Italie by Migeon, Sengteller, Desbuissons | 1881 | 30 X 40 cm | 52 euro | |  | Dominii Veneti in Italia by Frederick de Wit | 1685ca | 62 X 50 cm | 414 euro | |  | Illustrissimo celsissimoque principi Carolo Emanueli D. G. Sabaudiae Duci, Pedemontii principi by Frederick de Wit | 1680ca | 48 X 57 cm | 466 euro | |  | Frankrijk 1360 - 1610, Italie 1300 - 1600 by De Erven Thierry en Mensing | 1858 | 31,5 X 22 cm | sold | |  | übersichtskarte von Italien by Richard Andree | 1896 | 37 X 49 cm | sold | |  | Alpenkaart by F. Bruins | 1884 | 28 X 22 cm | sold | |  | Italiae Antiquae by Félix Delamarche | 1832 | 33 X 29 cm cm | sold | |  | Itala (Italia) namtellus Gracia maior by Joannes Jansonius | 1750ca | 52 X 38 cm | sold | |  | Carta noua accurata del Passagio et strada dalli Paesi Bassi per via Allemagna per Italia et per via by Frederik de Wit | 1670 | 56 X 47 cm | sold | |  | Tabula Italiae Corsicae, Sardiniae, et adjac by Wit, Frederik de | 1670 | 54.5 X 45 cm | sold | |
Plans of cities in Italy on atlasandmap.com |
Town | Title/Maker | Year | Measures | Price | |
 | Vue de l´Albergo by nn | 1750ca | 21,5 X 15,5 cm | 37 euro
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 | Italiaans uitzicht by C. Bourgeois, F. Delpech | 1824 | 24,5 X 17,5 cm | 16 euro
| | Aosta
 | Der Triumphenbogen des Augustus bey Aosta. by nn | 1850ca | 14 X 10 cm | 26 euro
| | Assisi
 | St. Francesco Assisi by Louis Wherter | 1926 | 14 X 18,5 cm | 21 euro
| | Averno
 | Lago d´ Averno by C. Reiss, b. Metzeroth | 1850ca | 15 X 10 cm | sold
| | Baia
 | Golfe de Baïa by Buttura, Lacauchie | 1836 | 16 X 11 cm | 37 euro
| | Bard
 | Défilé de Bard by Lacouchie | 1835ca | 12 X 9 cm | 21 euro
| | Bologna
 | Palais du Gouverneur à Boulogne by Alexandre de Rogissart | 1707 | 18 X 14 cm | 37 euro
| | Bolzano, Bozen
 | Botzen, Pfarrkirche in Botzen by nn | 1850ca | 10 X 20 cm | sold
| | Bormio
 | Das Addathal am Wormserbad by nn | 1840ca | 15 X 11 cm | 52 euro
| | Bressanone, Brixen
 | Festung Bresseone (Franzenveste) by nn | 1850ca | 16 X 13 cm | 32 euro
| | Capo Colonna
 | Cap Colonne by naar W. Purser | 1840ca | 14 X 11 cm | 21 euro
| | Catania, Sicilia, Etna
 | Catanea und Der Aetna by C. Reiss, I.G. Martini | 1843 | 15 X 10 cm | 37 euro
| | Como, Lake Como
 | Como am Comer see in Italien by nn | 1850ca | 15 X 11 cm | sold
| | Dégò
 | Dégò by Fleury | 1825ca | 11 X 8,5 cm | 26 euro
| | Firenze, Florence: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Firenze, Florence | Florence: 3 items | Visit our page of the city of Florence | Frescada
 | Machina von Wasserwerde zu Frescadj. by Melchior Küsell, J.W. Baur | 1681ca | 20 X 18,5 cm | 78 euro
| | Genua: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Genua | Genua, Genoa
 | Vue de la Place de Banchi by Gio. Lor. Guidotti | 1750ca | 20 X 16 cm | 32 euro
| | Herculaneum
 | Herculanum by Louis-Eustache Audot | 1835ca | 16 X 11,5 cm | 42 euro
| | Ischia
 | Die Insel Ischia bei Neapel by C. Reiss | 1850ca | 15 X 10 cm | 42 euro
| | Isola Bella: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Isola Bella | Jaillon, Piemonte
 | Head of the valley of Jaillon (Piedmont) by J. Cousen, W. Brockedon | 1838 | 17,5 X 14 cm | 32 euro
| | Lugo
 | Lugo by nn | 1850ca | 15 X 10 cm | 32 euro
| | Mantua: 3 items | Visit our page of the city of Mantua | Messina: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Messina | Milaan
 | Cathedraal van Milaan by Winkler Prins | 1909 | 22 X 14 cm | 9 euro
| | Milaan, Milan: 4 items | Visit our page of the city of Milaan, Milan | Milaan, Milano
 | Mayland by nn | 1850ca | 15 X 10 cm | 47 euro
| | Millesimo
 | Millesimo by Fleury, Boullemie | 1840ca | 11,5 X 8,5 cm | 21 euro
| | Mortola
 | Mortole (Piemont) by nn | 1850ca | 16,5 X 13 cm | 32 euro
| | Napels: 5 items | Visit our page of the city of Napels | Napoli, Napule, Napels, Vesuvius
 | Neapel by nn | 1850ca | 15 X 10 cm | 42 euro
| | Nemi
 | État Romain. Lac de Némi. by Girard | 1850ca | 20 X 14,5 cm | 26 euro
| | Novi Ligure
 | Chateau de Novi by Buttura, Lacauchie | 1840ca | 12 X 9 cm | 26 euro
| | Otranto
 | Otrante by Buttura, Lacauchie | 1840ca | 11,5 X 9 cm | 26 euro
| | Palermo
 | Palermo by nn | 1850ca | 15 X 10 cm | 32 euro
| | Piacenza
 | Placencia by D. Roberts, R. Ford, R. Brandard | 1837 | 15,5 X 11,5 cm | 32 euro
| | Pisa: 5 items | Visit our page of the city of Pisa | Pompei
 | Rue des tombeaux, a Pompei by E. Breton, E. Bocquet | 1843 | 16,5 X 10,5 cm | 37 euro
| | Pompeii
 | Pompeji by Winkler Prins | 1910 | 22 X 14 cm | 9 euro
| | Ponte Gardena: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Ponte Gardena | Ravenna
 | Sepoloro di Teodorico, Tombeau de Théodoric, Ravenna, Sepoloro di Dante, Tombeau du Dante by Lenormand, Audot, Bouchet, Durau | 1840ca | 20 X 13 cm | 52 euro
| | Rivoli
 | Bataille de Rivoli by Couché, Bovinet | 1828 | 13 X 9,5 cm | 32 euro
| | Roma, Rome: 5 items | Visit our page of the city of Roma, Rome | Rome: 23 items | Visit our page of the city of Rome | Rome, Roma: 3 items | Visit our page of the city of Rome, Roma | Rome, Tivoli
 | In the campagna of Rome. Tivoli. by nn | 1850ca | 14,5 X 10 cm | 32 euro
| | Rovereto: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Rovereto | Scilla
 | Rock and promontory of Scylla, Calabria. Italy. by T.B. Aylmer, W.J. Cooke | 1840ca | 20 X 15,5 cm | 42 euro
| | Segesta
 | Veduta del Tempio di Segesta by F. Zevilli | 1830ca | 17,5 X 12 cm | 42 euro
| | Sicilie, Sicily
 | View in Sicily by nn | 1850ca | 9,5 X 7 cm | 21 euro
| | Spoleto
 | Clitumnus - Tempel bey Spoleto in Italien by nn | 1850ca | 10 X 15 cm | sold
| | Susa
 | Susa by W.H. Bartlett, G. Richardson | 1850ca | 17,5 X 13,5 cm | 37 euro
| | Syracuse: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Syracuse | Taormina, Messina
 | Theatre de Taormina by E. Breton, A. Mercier | 1843 | 16,5 X 11,5 cm | 32 euro
| | Terni: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Terni | Tivoli: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Tivoli | Trente, Rovereto
 | Trient, Roveredo by nn | 1850ca | 10 X 21 cm | 16 euro
| | Trento, Trente: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Trento, Trente | Trento, Trient: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Trento, Trient | Triest
 | Triest by nn | 1850ca | 15 X 10 cm | 42 euro
| | Trostberg
 | Bergveste Trostberg in Tyrol by I.G. Martini | 1836 | 9 X 15 cm | 37 euro
| | Turijn
 | Turin Italie by J. Schroeder | 1859 | 16 X 12 cm | 42 euro
| | Turijn, Turin
 | Turijn, van den Capucijnerberg gezien by nn | 1888 | 18 X 12 cm | 26 euro
| | Turin, Torino, Turijn
 | Turin by C. Reiss | 1850ca | 15 X 10 cm | 32 euro
| | Vallombrosa
 | Vallombrosa à six lieves de Florence by J.A. Darnstedt | 1804 | 12,5 X 8,5 cm | 11 euro
| | Venetië (Venice)
 | Venetië by Winkler Prins | 1911 | 34 X 22 cm | sold
| | Venetie
 | Depositi dei Metalli by Giovanni Pividor | 1836 | 13,5 X 11 cm | 68 euro
| | Venetie, Rome, Venice
 | Ruined temple near Rome. Venice. by W. Havell, F.J. Havell | 1840ca | 9,5 X 14 cm | 37 euro
| | Venetie, Venice: 46 items | Visit our page of the city of Venetie, Venice | Venice, Venezia, Venise, Venetiam Venezsia: 4 items | Visit our page of the city of Venice, Venezia, Venise, Venetiam Venezsia | Verona
 | Verona by nn | 1850ca | 15 X 10 cm | 52 euro
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